Data Tjenestemann for Digitaliseringsprosjekt
1 day ago
Elkem ASA søger en dyktig analytisk spesialist til å styrke vårt digitaliserings team. I denne rollen vil du være ansvarlig for å videreutvikle og vedlikeholde eksisterende Power BI løsninger. Du vil jobbe i et deltagerorientert miljø hvor innovasjon og problemløsing er viktige kompetenser.
Du vil ha hovedfokus på å sikre tilgang til informasjon for rapportering, beslutninger og kontinuerlig utvikling av vår verdikjede prosesser. Det er nødvendig at du forstår våre produksjonsprosesser og kan kommunisere effektivt med brukerne av applikasjonene.
Arbeidsoppgavene vil være blant annet:
- Avtale og planlegging av nye prosjekter
- Utvikling og implementering av løsninger
- Koordinering av krav fra brukere og produsenter
- Oversetting av forretningsmål til tekniske spesifikasjoner
- Leveranse av produkter til eget leverandørsegment
- Tilkobling av flere grupper og departementer i organisasjonen
- Fornyelse og utvikling av ferdigheter innenfor datamodellering og analyseløsninger
- Coaching og oppfølging av mer enn 10 mennesker
- Årlig nettoresultat paa minst 1 000 000
- Organisasjonsmodellen tar i mot alle former for betaling
- Gode kommunikasjonsferdigheter og evne til å oversette komplekse ideer til publikummet
Innovative Data Utforsker
1 day ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway Elkem ASA Full timeVi søker etter en erfaren data tjenestemann til vårt digitaliserings team. I denne rollen vil du være ansvarlig for å videreutvikle og vedlikeholde eksisterende Power BI løsninger innen Elkem ASA. Du vil jobbe i et dynamisk miljø der du må kunne omstille deg raskt og være systematisk i dine arbeidsoppgaver.I dette ansvaret vil du ha hovedfokus på å...
6 days ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway UDI Utlendingsdirektoratet Full timeVi søker etter deg som ønsker å være en del av UDI's digitaliseringsprosjekt. Som lærling IT-utvikler i UDI, vil du være med på å utvikle nye løsninger og hjelpe oss å nå målene våre.ArbeidssituasjonSom lærling i UDI vil du ha muligheten til å utvikle nye ferdigheter og kompetanse innenfor it og digitalisering. Du vil jobbe i et spennende og...
1 day ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse Full timeDigitaliseringsprosjekt - Fornyelse og videreutviklingVi søker en informasjonsforvalter som ønsker å være med på å bygge opp og videreutvikle avdelingens virksomhet. Denne stillingen er knyttet til Divisjon for styring og organisasjon, som har 9 dyktige medarbeidere fordelt på kontorsted i Bergen og Oslo. Avdelingen vil ha arbeidssted i Bergen eller...
Frisør eller hudterapeut søker du?
3 days ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway Lyko Full timeHer på Lyko elsker vi å se mennesker fremme! Hvis du ønsker å være en del av vårt team og har ønsket om å jobbe i detaljhandel, så er du tjenestemann/-kontruerto! Vi søker nå etter en tekststyrmmedarbeider som også vil jobbe noen timer i vår detaljhandel butikk.**Nåværende mulighet**Nåværende muligheter til jobb i detaljhandel...
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timePositions as Associate Professor, Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and EpidemiologyWe are seeking highly skilled professionals to join our team as Associate Professors in statistics and epidemiology. The successful candidates will have a strong track record in statistics, including biostatistics, mathematical statistics, data science, machine learning, or...
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeResearch Position in Statistics and Data ScienceWe invite applications for two permanent positions as Associate Professor at the Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology.The selected candidates will have a strong background in statistics, including biostatistics, mathematical statistics, data science, machine learning, or epidemiology.About the...
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeBiostatisticians and Data Scientists WantedTwo permanent positions are available as Associate Professors in statistics and epidemiology at the Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology. The successful candidates will have a strong track record in statistics, including biostatistics, mathematical statistics, data science, machine learning, or...
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeData Scientist and Biostatistician Positions AvailableWe invite highly qualified professionals to apply for two positions as Associate Professors in statistics and epidemiology. The successful candidates will have a strong track record in statistics, including biostatistics, mathematical statistics, data science, machine learning, or epidemiology.The ideal...
Career Opportunities as Associate Professor
3 days ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeCall for Two Associate Professors, OCBE, University of OsloOur department invites applications for two Associate Professor positions, focusing on biostatistics and epidemiology research.Candidates should possess a strong background in statistics and a keen interest in areas such as biology, medicine, and public health. Experience in data science and machine...
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeAssociate Professor Positions in Statistics and EpidemiologyAs part of our efforts to strengthen our research team, we are looking for experienced professionals to fill two positions as Associate Professors in statistics and epidemiology. The successful candidates will have a strong track record in statistics, including biostatistics, mathematical...
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeTwo positions as Associate Professor, Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of OsloWe are seeking a strong candidate to fill two permanent positions as Associate Professor at the Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology (OCBE), University of Oslo.The successful candidates will have a strong track record in statistics, including...
Biostatistics Expert in Norway
2 days ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeTwo positions as Associate Professor, Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and EpidemiologyWe are seeking experienced professionals to fill two permanent positions as Associate Professor at the Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology (OCBE).The successful candidates will have a strong track record in statistics, including biostatistics, mathematical...
1 day ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse Full timeJobbe i en moderne avdelingVi søker en informasjonsforvalter til nyopprettet stilling i avdelingen for informasjons- og dokumentasjonsforvaltning. Denne stillingen er knyttet til Divisjon for styring og organisasjon, som har 9 dyktige medarbeidere fordelt på kontorsted i Bergen og Oslo.Avdelingen vil ha arbeidssted i Bergen eller Oslo. Vi ser etter en...
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeTwo positions as Associate Professor, Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Oslo, NorwayJan 18, 2023Do you want to continue your career as an Associate Professor at the University of Oslo in Norway? Then apply for these positionsTwo permanent positions as Associate Professor are available at the Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and...
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeJob Opportunity: Associate Professor in Biostatistics and EpidemiologyWe are looking for highly qualified candidates to fill two Associate Professor positions in our department.The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in statistical research, including experience in biostatistics, mathematical statistics, data science, and epidemiology.This role...
Biostatistics Fellowship at UiO
6 days ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeWe are pleased to offer a Biostatistics Fellowship at the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. As a fellow of the Scientia Fellows programme, you will be employed at UiO for three years and receive a gross salary of 515,200 NOK per year. The fellowship also includes full health insurance and pension contributions.The project focuses on developing scalable...
Professor Role in Biomedical Research
2 days ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeOpportunity for Experienced ResearchersOslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology invites applications for two permanent positions as Associate Professor.The ideal candidate will have a strong background in statistics, including biostatistics, mathematical statistics, data science, machine learning, or epidemiology.Responsibilities:Lead research projects...
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeThe University of Oslo (UiO) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher position in Bayesian statistics. As a postdoctoral researcher, you will work on developing scalable statistical methods for integrating and analyzing multi-omic data sources.The project aims to develop horizontal and vertical integrative Bayesian clustering methods with...
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeJob Opportunity: Associate Professor in Biostatistics and EpidemiologyOslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology is looking for skilled professionals to fill two permanent positions as Associate Professor.The ideal candidate will have a strong background in statistics, including biostatistics, mathematical statistics, data science, machine learning, or...
Bayesian Biostatistician Position Available
6 days ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway The International Society for Bayesian Analysis Full timeThe International Society for Bayesian Analysis is seeking a talented individual to join our team as a Bayesian Biostatistician. This three-year postdoctoral research position will focus on developing scalable statistical methods for integrating and analyzing multi-omic data sources.As a fellow of the Scientia Fellows programme, you will be employed at the...