Ph.D. Candidate in Geography with a focus on Extreme weather-related Compound Hazards

4 months ago

Trondheim, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time
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29th August 2024 Languages English English

The Department of Geography has a vacancy for a

Ph.D. Candidate in Geography with a focus on Extreme weather-related Compound Hazards

This is NTNU

NTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.

At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.

You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process


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About the position

The Department of Geography at NTNU has a vacancy for a 3-year Ph.D. position in Geography with a focus on 'Extreme weather-related Compound Hazards: Impacts, Risks, and Sustainable Adaptation in a changing climate (ECH-IRSA)’.

We are looking for a motivated candidate with a keen interest in investigating and understanding the dynamic processes behind weather-related compound hazards that characterize the current changing climate. Understanding these compound weather events is crucial for assessing risks, preparing for impacts, and building better forecast models in the face of climate change and extreme weather conditions, as well as essential for identifying better adaptation strategies that enhance a more sustainable community resilience. 

The Ph.D. candidate will be part of the research group. The group bases its core activities on the development of new or the adaptation of existing tools and techniques for spatio-temporal analytics, such as representation, exploratory visualization and theories and mathematical model development of spatio-temporal data. Support will be given also from members of the research group that works mainly in the physical geography domain, focusing on investigating causes, mechanisms and impacts of different environmental hazards.

Becoming a member of our research groups will make you part of an exciting and stimulating international and multidisciplinary academic environment, open and inclusive, with dedicated colleagues willing to support with theoretical and practical experience, for you to excel in your academic career.

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. 

Your immediate leader is the Head of Department.

Duties of the position

Complete the doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The candidate will plan and execute a comprehensive, independent research project under supervision, that involves the development of a theoretical framework, analysis of high-dimensional datasets to investigate weather-related compound hazards led by extreme events that characterize the current changing climate; Conduct independent research and publish the results in international conferences and international scientific peer-reviewed journals; Participation in the Ph.D. programme at the Department and at NTNU; The position could be extended to include teaching or other duties, if the need arises.

Required selection criteria

You must have a relevant master’s degree in Geography or similar, preferably a study related to Geoinformatics or similar fields of study with experiences in quantitative and/or GIS analyses and data analysis; Good written and oral English skills; Your education must correspond to a five-year Norwegian degree program, where 120 credits are obtained at master's level; You must have a strong academic background from your previous studies and an average grade from the master's degree program, or equivalent education, which is equal to B or better compared with NTNU's grading scale. If you do not have letter grades from previous studies, you must have an equally good academic basis. If you have a weaker grade background, you may be assessed if you can document that you are particularly suitable for a Ph.D. education; Master's students in their final phase of studies can apply, but the master's degree must be obtained and documented before taking up the position; You must meet the requirements for admission to .

The appointment is to be made in accordance with and 

Preferred selection criteria

Experience in using Python and/or R programming language; Experience in remote sensing analyses; Experience with machine learning models; A keen interest in and passion for environmental science and data science; Good written and oral Norwegian/Scandinavian language skills. 

Personal characteristics

Completing a doctoral degree can be demanding. Therefore, you ought to:

Be self-motivated, enthusiastic, and creative;  Have strong collaborative skills, present and discuss your research and engage with feedback from colleagues; Be goal-oriented and independent in research;  Have an interest in multidisciplinary problem solving;  Be willing to learn and think critically;  Have a good ability and willingness to work in a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural team, with an interest in cross-disciplinary learning;

A positive and pleasant working environment is important to us. We strive for an atmosphere that is engaging, friendly, and characterized by collaborative relationships between our employees. The applicant is expected to contribute to the social activities.

Emphasis will be placed on personal and interpersonal qualities.

We offer

Exciting and stimulating tasks in a strong international academic environment; Participation in international, young and motivated research groups at the Department, that work on geo-informatics, modelling and GIS with focus on environmental hazards;  An open and with dedicated colleagues; Favourable terms in the ;

Ph.D. candidates in Norway are considered employees and have access to E

No tuition fees are required.

Salary and conditions

As a Ph.D. candidate (code 1017) you are normally paid from gross NOK 532 200 per annum before tax, depending on qualifications and seniority. From the salary, 2% is deducted as a contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.

The period of employment is years (with possible extension for teaching and other duties).

Appointment to a Ph.D. position requires that you are admitted to the within three months of employment, and that you participate in an organized Ph.D. programme during the employment period. 

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