PhD and Postdoc positions in the SUBPRO-Zero Team

3 months ago

Trondheim, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time
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Continuously Languages English English We are now announcing

PhD and Postdoc positions in the SUBPRO-Zero Team

This is NTNU

NTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.

At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.

You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process


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This is SUBPRO-Zero

(SUstainable Bridge PROgram towards Zero emissions) is a research center that funds 10-12 PhD students and postdocs in the next 3-years. Its mission is to conduct fundamental and applied research to contribute to net-zero emissions in the offshore industry.

The goals of the centre are to:

Conduct research that makes a difference and contribute to a sustainable future Work together with the industry partners to come up with new and innovative solutions that will contribute to net-zero emissions from the offshore industry  Educate PhD candidates, Postdocs and master students who can help the industry speed up the energy transistion and contribute to the green shift

SUBPRO-Zero's activities

The activities focus on the following areas:

Zero emission to air: Carbon capture, gas treatment and low complexity blue hydrogen production (e.g., for offshore applications) Zero emission to water: Water treatment, including re-injection Field architecture, optimization, and energy efficiency Digitalization: Systems Control, and RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintenance and Safety)

The Centre

SUBPRO Zero is funded by Industry and NTNU. The consortium consists of 5 Operator companies (Equinor, Aker BP, Neptune Energy, Total Energies, Vår Energi) and 3 Supplier companies (DNV, Aker Solutions, Kongsberg Digital)

SUBPRO Zero is a continuation of the highly successful SUBPRO Center for Research-based Innovation (SFI) on Subsea Production and Processing (2015-2023) which was funded by industry, NTNU and the Research Council of Norway. As funding for SUBPRO expires in 2023, part of the consortium and new industrial partners decided to continue the collaboration in a follow-up project with a more sustainable focus, SUBPRO-Zero.

Do you want to become a part of the SUBPRO-Zero team?

We are now announcing 10 positions in SUBPRO-Zero that aim to bring forward outstanding research and innovation and to facilitate a sustainable development of the Norwegian energy sector. You are encouraged to apply for more than one position if there are several that fit your interests and background.

The appointment is to be made in accordance with

Our announcements for the positions

Please note that each announcement has a specific deadline for the application.

 (application deadline: 08.07.2023)

More to be uploaded. 

NTNU offer

exciting and stimulating tasks in a strong international academic environment an open and with dedicated colleagues favourable terms in the

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    About the PositionWe are now announcing PhD and Postdoc positions in the SUBPRO-Zero Team, a research center that funds 10-12 PhD students and postdocs in the next 3-years. Our mission is to conduct fundamental and applied research to contribute to net-zero emissions in the offshore industry.About the TeamThe SUBPRO-Zero Team is a continuation of the highly...

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    Om stillingeneVi søker dyktige kandidater til PhD- og postdoktorstillinger i SUBPRO-Zero Teamet. Dette er en unik mulighet til å delta i banebrytende forskning rettet mot nullutslipp i offshore-industrien.Om NTNUNTNU er en omfattende utdanningsinstitusjon med fokus på teknisk og vitenskapelig utdanning. Universitetet har sitt hovedkontor i Trondheim og...

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    Om stillingeneVi søker etter talentfulle PhD-kandidater og postdoktorer til SUBPRO-Zero Teamet, som er en del av NTNU. Dette er en mulighet til å delta i banebrytende forskning med fokus på bærekraftige løsninger for offshore-industrien.Om NTNUNTNU er en omfattende utdanningsinstitusjon med teknisk-vitenskapelig profil og vekt på profesjonsutdanning....

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    Om stillingeneVi søker dyktige kandidater til PhD- og postdoktorstillinger i SUBPRO-Zero Teamet. Dette er en mulighet til å delta i banebrytende forskning som fokuserer på nullutslipp i offshore-industrien.Om SUBPRO-ZeroSUBPRO-Zero er et forskningssenter dedikert til å fremme bærekraftige løsninger for å oppnå netto nullutslipp. Senteret har som mål...

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    About the SUBPRO-Zero TeamThe SUBPRO-Zero Team is a research group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) focused on sustainable energy research and zero emissions technology. We are part of the SUBPRO-Zero Center for Research-based Innovation, a collaboration between industry partners and NTNU.Our MissionOur mission is to conduct...

  • Trondheim, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    About the job The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions. The Mathematics Education Section of The Department of Teacher Education has a vacancy for a Postdoc position in Mathematics Education focusing on Critical Mathematics Education. The position is within...

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    About the PositionWe are seeking a highly motivated PhD researcher to join our team at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The successful candidate will contribute to the development of a dynamic decision support framework for planning and design of positive energy neighbourhoods.Key ResponsibilitiesEvaluate and describe the planning and...

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) Full time

    Job DescriptionWe are seeking a highly motivated and qualified PhD candidate to join our research team at Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) in the field of optimal infrastructure planning for zero-emission offshore energy systems.About the PositionThe PhD position will be part of the LowEmission Research Centre at NTNU and SINTEF, where...

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    About the JobWe are seeking a highly motivated PhD researcher to join our team at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The successful candidate will contribute to the development of a dynamic decision support framework for planning and design of positive energy neighbourhoods and districts.Key ResponsibilitiesEvaluate and describe the planning...

  • Trondheim, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    About the job (NTNU, Trondheim) is offering two PhD positions within the Department of Modern History and Society. These positions are part of the ERC project “InternalFortress: Regulating European Freedom of Movement within the Nation-State, 1950-1980,” which will trace the history of migration as part of the early process of European...

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    About the JobWe are seeking a highly motivated and qualified PhD researcher to join our team at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The successful candidate will be part of the Energy and Environment Group at the Department of Architecture and Technology, working on a 3-year full-time position.Job DescriptionThe PhD researcher will be...

  • Trondheim, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    About the job We have a vacancy for a 3-year full time position as a PhD researcher in the area of planning and design of Positive Energy Neighbourhoods and Districts. The work is connected to several ongoing EU-funded projects, i.e. , and . The PhD candidate will participate in the EU projects mentioned above and develop a framework for a Dynamic...

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    About the JobWe are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate to join our team at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The successful candidate will have the opportunity to conduct innovative research in artistic entrepreneurship, exploring the intersection of art, technology, and society.Job DescriptionThe PhD position will focus on...

  • Trondheim, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    About the job For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. We are looking for applicants with a drive to explore, articulate and document the capacity of art and culture and creativity not only to adapt and contribute but to drive societal transformation processes.  We think of...

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    Position Overview The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is offering two doctoral research positions within the Department of Modern History and Society. These roles are integral to the ERC project "InternalFortress: Regulating European Freedom of Movement within the Nation-State," which aims to explore the historical context of migration...

  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

    About the JobThe Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is seeking two PhD candidates to join the Department of Modern History and Society. The successful candidates will be part of the ERC project "InternalFortress: Regulating European Freedom of Movement within the Nation-State, 1950-1980," which aims to trace the history of migration as...

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  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology Full time

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  • Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway Byggmakker Norge AS Full time

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