Einingsleiar Sentermodell

3 days ago

Bergen, Vestland, Norway Bufetat (Barne-, ungdoms- og familieetaten) Full time
About the Job

We are seeking a proactive and motivating leader to oversee our new center in Bergen. You will be responsible for ensuring that our center operates efficiently and follows relevant professional methodologies.

As a key member of our team, you will have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of children and families in our region.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Oversee the daily operations of the center, including budgeting and personnel management;
  • Ensure that the center is driven efficiently and follows relevant professional methodologies;
  • Provide guidance and support to subordinate leaders and staff to ensure they are equipped to handle challenging work situations through systematic training and follow-up;
  • Maintain high standards of internal control across all operational areas, including HMS activities;
  • Foster strong communication between the center and both internal and external partners.


  • A master's degree in social sciences or relevant field;
  • A minimum of 15 years of experience in leadership and administration;
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal;
  • Proficiency in digital tools;
  • Experience from child welfare services or similar.

  • Bergen, Vestland, Norway Bufetat (Barne-, ungdoms- og familieetaten) Full time

    Vil du leie ei nyoppretta eining med eit viktig samfunnsoppdrag?Til deg som ønskjer leiarstilling i ei verksemd med det viktigaste samfunnsoppdraget.Bufetat region vest søkjer etter ein einingsleiar til nyoppretta eining. Denne stillinga er knytt til eit nyoppretta senter beståande av fire avdelingar innan omsorg og åtferd høg, der målet er å hindre...