Lovlige Veiledere for Digital Samfunnsvirkemåte
4 days ago
Som juridisk direktør i Datatilsynet vil du være en nøkkelperson i å sikre at organisasjonens arbeid innenfor lovhjemmel oppfyller høyeste krav. Dette inkluderer faglig selvstendighet, politisk nøytralitet og rettslig evidensbasert vurdering.
Du vil være aktiv deltager i strategiske prosesser, nøkkelmedarbeider ved implementering av nye love og forskrifter, samt være representant for organisasjonen i næringslivet og andre kommunikasjonsarenaer.
Global Digital Solutions Architect
8 hours ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) Full timeCEPI is an international coalition of governments, academic, philanthropic, private, public, and intergovernmental institutions.We are seeking a Senior IT Architect to join our Digital & Technology department.The role will involve reviewing, managing and implementing the Enterprise Architecture Roadmap for CEPI, including software implementation and...
Programme Director
19 hours ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway OCA - Office for Contemporary Art Norway Full timeJob DescriptionOCA - Office for Contemporary Art Norway is seeking an experienced professional to lead its public programme. As Head of Programme, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the organisation's position as a prominent contemporary arts institution.Develop and execute OCA's public programme and publishing, working closely with international...
IT Infrastructure Visionary
8 hours ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) Full timeCEPI is seeking a highly skilled Senior IT Architect to join our Digital & Technology department.The role involves developing business cases, preparing procurement documents, and overseeing competitive dialogue processes for infrastructure projects.The successful candidate will be responsible for planning and organizing technical aspects of infrastructure...
4 days ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse Full timeJobbe i en moderne avdelingVi søker en informasjonsforvalter til nyopprettet stilling i avdelingen for informasjons- og dokumentasjonsforvaltning. Denne stillingen er knyttet til Divisjon for styring og organisasjon, som har 9 dyktige medarbeidere fordelt på kontorsted i Bergen og Oslo.Avdelingen vil ha arbeidssted i Bergen eller Oslo. Vi ser etter en...
Lead Data Governance Specialist
8 hours ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) Full timeThe Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) is seeking a Senior IT Architect to join our Digital & Technology department.The role involves designing and facilitating implementation of enterprise-level solutions for the Data Management Platform, ERP and HR systems.The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring seamless integration...
Senior Enterprise IT Strategist
8 hours ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) Full timeAs a Senior IT Architect at CEPI, you will be a key member of the Digital & Technology department.Your responsibilities will include reviewing, managing and implementing the Enterprise Architecture Roadmap for CEPI.You will plan and organize the technical aspects of infrastructure projects, develop business cases, prepare procurement documents, and oversee...
Head of Programme
24 hours ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway OCA - Office for Contemporary Art Norway Full timeOCA - Office for Contemporary Art Norway is seeking an experienced candidate for the position of Head of Programme. The successful candidate will play a pivotal role in leading OCA's public programme, developing the organisation's position as a prominent contemporary arts institution, and identifying new opportunities. The successful candidate will...
Senior Information Technology Architect
12 hours ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) Full timeLaunched in 2017, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) is an international coalition of governments, academic, philanthropic, private, public, and intergovernmental institutions whose vision is to create a world in which epidemics and pandemics are no longer a threat to humanity. Our mission is to accelerate the development of vaccines...
5 days ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse Full timeInformasjonsforvalterVi søker en informasjonsforvalter til nyopprettet stilling i avdeling for informasjons- og dokumentasjonsforvaltning. Avdelingen er knyttet til Divisjon for styring og organisasjon, og har i dag 9 faglig dyktige medarbeidere, fordelt på kontorsted i Bergen og Oslo. Den utlyste stillingen vil ha arbeidssted i Bergen eller Oslo.Vi ser...
Senior BIM-spesialist Infrastruktur
3 days ago
Oslo, Oslo County, Norway TN Norway Full timeHar du prosjekteringserfaring og solid kunnskap innen prosjektorientert BIM-utvikling og gjennomføring? Kom og hjelp oss med å fornye bygge- og anleggsbransjenBli en del av vår seksjon for Areal & Samferdsel i BergenVår avdeling for Areal & Samferdsel består av ca. 75 ansatte organisert i 5 seksjoner fordelt på 8 kontorer nasjonalt. Seksjonen i Bergen...